playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
PEEKER bot is a system for monitoring nodes implemented in telegram bot. It allows operator owners to monitor the functioning of their nodes and receive timely notifications of problems.
Round 7
25k KEEP
Round 6
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
Finally, someone listens!  Amongst many other contributions, @rdf was considering launching a new platform for community bounties.
Instead, they've convinced Gitcoin to accept TBTC and KEEP! It's fun to build new things, but improving stuff people already use and making sure we're everywhere is how we win!
Round 5
for tons of excellent quest work
Introduce yourself
My name is Rudolph. I live in Moscow and study at the branch of the French IT school Ecole42 on the course "Advanced Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence". I have been following the blockchain industry for several years, and I learned about the KEEP project from my colleagues. I am confident in the success of the KEEP project, because you are one of the few who continued to work hard even during the crisis of 2017-2018. I wish you good luck.

This is my contribution for Last PFK round:

1. I helped add a Captcha verification to the Keep Network server.
2. I created BridgeBot to improve the infrastructure of both Keep and TBTC servers. The bot allows you to relay messages between two servers, creating the effect that two or more text channels are combined into one. The bot is connected to the following channels: #off-topic  #tbtc-protocol  #development  #farming  #tbtc-blockstack #tbtc-rsk-sovryn 
3. I created a grant for a PEEKER bot by attaching my keep server invitation link to it. I don't know how many people clicked on it, but there were quite a few views on my grant.

Summing up my participation in PFK, I would like to say a huge thank you to the entire @ keep team  for the opportunity to become part of the community and feel involved in something more than just coding bots or creating quests. Thank you to all the community members who were in touch with me during the development of my projects, helped me with advice and gave their feedback. It was an amazing adventure for me! We may rest now... Well, if you know what I mean. BEF

My PFK submission Part 1  (October 1 - 31): @Matt Luongo @Kris My project: 

This month I agreed with the service to integrate the TBTC token into their functionality. I once told Matt that I can create a platform for launching grants, bounties, and collecting donations in KEEP tokens or TBTC. He said that such a platform already exists. At that time, the service officially supported the KEEP token, but there was no TBTC. So I contacted them in slack on behalf of our community, and also created a request on Github.
Within a few days, they responded to my request and added TBTC to the drop-down list of tokens on their platform. Link to issue: 

I also created a sample grant in a few minutes. Any community member can launch their own contest, grant, fundraiser, bounty, or whatever and accept TBTC or KEEP as a donation, or use KEEP/TBTC to sponsor other people's grants.
Example grant: you can also find there some BEF stuff

Hello there again ! My name is Rudolf! Discord: rdfbbx#6437 Beacon/ECDSA nodes. 

My PFK submission Part 2  (October 1 - 31):

Team project: Together with @Tibike, we developed the idea of node monitoring system and implemented it in two of our bots. We decided to make them with similar functionality, but we wrote them in different programming languages due to the language barrier and different time zones. This is our joint development, but in the future, bots may branch out and acquire different functionality.
I named my bot PEEKER.Its main and specific feature is delicate adjustment of notifications for every operator address. 

I want to thank @Restyle for drawing the logo for bot. And also, I want to say a huge thank you to @emeridofor the design tips. By the way, next month I want to do a joint project with the KeepScan team.
I have an idea and I hope the guys like it P.S. I also compiled an archive of messages from the past few months for further processing using machine learning and NLP technologies. I didn't have time to do a full analysis, so I'll continue working on it next month. It will be interesting;)


My Beacon && ECDSA nodes address:
I am currently developing a large and extensive cryptographic challenge for the KEEP project and community. Looking forward to the moment when I will be able to present it to you. @Kris , you will be a pioneer in this challenge
Also, my colleagues and I plan to develop applications for the project and are currently engaged in a retrospective analysis of existing technological solutions and developing the concept of our application.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources