playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
25k KEEP
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Round 5
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
for, bot work, and Uniswap markets
Round 4
Our runners up - 50k KEEP + @L i z 's Design Bonus - Additional 5k KEEP
Round 3
Tier One
Round 2
3rd prize winners
Introduce yourself
Hi - Here is me (@chandru)


  • Medium Articles:- Wrote article on supplying liquidity to Uniswap for PFK winners as asked by Matt.
  • Bot - Keep Stats Master bot :- Added new capabilities to help stakers easily monitor deposits/nodes - .opr/operator <Operator Address>  or .opr <node random name>. It provides deposit/keep contract#, current state, current c-ratio, lotsize etc. Details here- Worked with @Will and added .stake command. continue to update/maintain other commands based on announcements/developments. 
  • Bot - keep-deposits-bot :-@tian7.eth and I worked together and have enabled a bot to send deposits/keeps related events like new deposit created, redemption requested, courtesy calls, liquidation in progress, liquidated etc. It has etherscan and allthekeeps links embeded for easy navigation. For new deposits, it also provides signer addresses. These messages are auto-posted based on event trigger to Bots channel. 
  • Youtube Channel :-@Harikari - MoMoMo and I continue to maintain KEEP YouTube channel.
  • Uniswap LP :- I've added my previous PFK winnings to Uniswap in KEEP/ETH pool. I will dm my transaction link to @Will
  • Mainnet :- Running ECDSA node and will restart Beacon when redeploy happens. 
  • Ropsten nodes :- Been running for more than 5 months. 
  • KEEP community Engagement :- Twitter engagement - example- etc As always, been active member of KEEP discord helping others with their questions, vote on proposals, report errors/feedback, helping people on DM's etc. 


Medium Articles :-
Wrote diving deeper article on stakedrop (New) -
keep-network-stakedrop (updated / original submitted for previous pfk) -
It has also crossed over 1.1K views as of Oct 30 2020.

Bot - Keep stats master bot :-
Continue to keep the bot updated based on announcements/developments/needs.

Mainnet :-
Running both Beacon and ECDSA nodes.

KEEP Youtube Channel :-
In essence of collaboration/teamwork encouraged for this month, @MoMoMo and I worked closely and created KEEP Youtube Channel.
Official KEEP Youtube channel didn't have much content in the channel but we have some amazing content produced from Matt/team doing interviews/podcasts, community producing some really cool explainer videos etc. We put all of them together and created KEEP channel. We hope this eventually becomes the official Keep Youtube Channel and we can handover the details to team. Thanks to MoMoMo for the idea, @Artem and @Leonard for explainer video's.

Keep nodes :- (Ropsten)
My Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes have been running for more than 4 months and have always been up-to date.

KEEP community Engagement :- 
As always, been active member of KEEP discord helping others with their questions, providing feedback for other community members, reporting errors, helping people on DM's etc. 


Bot - Keep Stats Master Bot :- 
Myself and @state worked together and merged both our bots to make master bot and have added many new commands which are used several times daily by community members on discord. Lot of updates/new information added to support mainnet release. Some of the widely used commands are .tbtc, .all (from state), .earn, .pfk, .stakedrop, .gas, .dm, .mint, .redeem, .guide(s) etc. List of all supported commands are pinned to #🏰general channel.

Medium Articles :- 
Wrote an article for minting TBTC on Mainnet -
Stakedrop article (update) -

Mainnet Contributions :- 
Uniswap TBTC-ETH pair:- 
Created uniswap TBTC-ETH pair for mainnet and bootstrapped with initial liquidity.
TBTC Minting:- Did couple of TBTC Mints and reported statuses/issues for the same.
Nexus mutual cover:- Purchased nexus mutual cover for TBTC contracts and reported within timelines provided by Matt. Cover id #2199. Webapp :- 
Detailed submission from @kferret. I supported/helped him during developing webapp with product advise, feedback and testing.

Keep Nodes :- (Ropsten)
My Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes have been running since crowdcast and always up-to date. Operator address 0x27D4876C8dD7abF6e40aAC6F9Fe0942e01fBF5cE

KEEP Community Engagement :- 
As always, been very active member of KEEP discord helping others with their questions, providing feedback for other community members, reporting errors, minting/redeeming etc and helping people on DM's. Also I'm active on twitter to spread the word about TBTC. This month is bit special as I started collaborating with other community members for contributions for compounded results.


Medium Articles:- 
Wrote an article on Stakedrop to answer questions like - what is stakedrop, how to participate, how much can be earned/farmed, risks, when to participate etc and is well received and shared by community members.

Bot – tbtc_keep_bot !:- 
This bot is used many times every day by many community members. I'm also working with StateLayer on consolidating and having a master bot between both of us. Added new commands to bot during this sprint
- ".earn"    
- potential ways to earn KEEP ".stakedrop"
- stakedrop details linking to my article above ".faq"
- basic faq questions. ".pfk" (update)
- update regularly based on up to date information. and other existing ones from last month.

Testing dashboard/dapp"- I've been testing adding, removing, delegating, undelegating etc from multiple address. Based on observations, have opened minor githubs.

Github (minor):-Keep Nodes:- 
My Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes have been running for around 3 months and have always been up-to date. Operator address 0x27D4876C8dD7abF6e40aAC6F9Fe0942e01fBF5cE.

KEEP community Engagement:-
I've had call with Bison trails to get information around staking with provider option for stakedrop. Apparently some of the information is supposed to be sensitive so working with Viktor Bunin on what I can share. Multiple people have expressed interest to get more details around it for stakedrop. As always been very active member of KEEP community on discord - helping others with their questions, providing feedback, submitting logs as needed, discussing stakedrop related questions/risks etc. Looking forward eagerly for staking 


(1/2) Here is my (@chandru) submission/contribution for Play for KEEPs this month.
This has been a wild month and was able to spend a ton of time on KEEP.

Medium Articles/Guides:- 
Detailed guide on tBTC redemption:
Detailed guide on spinning a node on VULTR from beginning to end:
Guide on message signing for community for tBTC ropsten challenge:

Bot – tbtc_keep_bot ! :- 
.tbtc or .keep_tbtc or .tbtc_minted to get current minted tbtc on Ropsten .total or .keep_total to get the total KEEP supply on mainnet .top or .top 5 or any number (max 100), default is 10 if nothing entered to get the top KEEP holders on mainnet with % of total. .pfk or .earn_keep or .wat_pfk - detailed about Play for keeps as asked by Matt. Planning to add 

MORE functions Github Issues reported:
KEEP Nodes :-
My Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes have been running for more than 2 months and have always been up-to date. Operator address 0x27D4876C8dD7abF6e40aAC6F9Fe0942e01fBF5cE. I've had over 220k method calls last 30 days on my infura.

(2/2) Here is my(@chandru) submission for Play for KEEPs this month.

KEEP community Engagement :-
tBTC app testing – I’ve minted/redeemed tBTC numerous times and reported issues.
Example: Node updates - Steps to help others to update the node(8/7) – ECDSA
Steps to help others to update the node (7/9) – ECDSA
FAQ's for new KEEP joiner's-

More than ever, I've been a very active member of KEEP community on discord and helping others with their questions and providing feedback, submitting logs etc. I’ve ETH ready to go after August 17th (whenever that would be) for launching my node on mainnet and staking my ETH ! Also have posted couple of memes 


Finally pulled the trigger to setup ECDSA and RANDOM BEACON nodes on June 8th and got them up and running since then.

I upgraded both the nodes on 6/24 with the new version as posted by Sloan and both my nodes are running seamlessly.

My operator address is - 0x27D4876C8dD7abF6e40aAC6F9Fe0942e01fBF5cE

I've also helped few people with their nodes setup with what I know. Looking to learn and help more in future.

Definetely looking forward for mainnet launch and looking forward to be part of KEEP journey !!
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources