playing for KEEPS
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Greetings from GC23997 & Nico186, Entry for October, we have updated and added to our previous work as our ongoing commitment to learn as much as possible with this growing project.

Hi Everyone I have been running a Node (RB and ECDSA) on Testnet since the summer, although with lots of downtime as I have tried to run entirely locally and on different devices, I’ve finally given in and went with a VPS. NODE.

I am looking forward to the ETH-Only Staking so I can finally go on Mainnet. I have written an Article for Bankless, this is planned to be published on the newsletter 3rd week of January (Pending ETH only is live then). The Article focuses on ETH only Staking, the Stakedrop and ways to earn yield with KEEP network, with TBTC or as a Node operator. Hopefully this raises awareness for the stakedrop and brings a lot more stakers on board when ETH only goes live.

PM me if you wish to see the draft, it’s not entirely complete as I need to add true screenshots for the ETH-only parts. But I would appreciate some feedback at this time.
Previous Guides/Documents Written/co-authored
Greetings from GC23997 & Nico186, Entry for October, we have updated and added to our previous work as our ongoing commitment to learn as much as possible with this growing project.

Document Updating & Restarting Keep Node
-    Steps for Updating or Restarting a Keep Node
-    Migrating Node to a New Device
-    and Navigating Log files 

Document Troubleshooting Guide Ongoing document to collate any errors, problems and fixes we have discovered in setting up nodes or encountered while running nodes on Testnet. Upcoming work, as recently approved Curators for The Graph Protocol, we will be curating on Keep Network subgraphs as our main focus, by signalling for Indexers to provide computation on any keep based sub-graphs. We are getting more involved in both projects and look forward helping grow the KEEP Ecosystem. Nico186 Operator since 5/7/2020.
Random Beacon Address: 0xeeBbBAE1Ca4E4b7de912EdbE96c32c9Afa7Ac995
ECDSA Node: 0x74eff2413d9c7d46d03e9cdd88550b86f05ef917.  
GC23997 Testnet operator since 6/9/2020.
Random Beacon and ECDSA Node: 0x787d9bA9De6447D140abA210D26912ffb99BBfF2
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources