Minted TBTC Explorer
Helps to:
  • view information about deposits
    • shows detailed information about the deposit process,
    • advanced filter to the deposit list page: find deposit by the "current state", "lot size", "deposit address", "сollateralization less than (%)", "keep contract address", "bitcoin address", "bitcoin transaction hash" fields
    • deposit details
    • ability to subscribe for new deposit events at the deposit page 
  • view a transfer history, 
  • some other historical information.
on Mainnet
Change Log
  • added chart with KEEP token transfer by dates
  • added a grants list
  • added the operator list page  
  • added a list of all KEEP token transfers with filter 
  • made site optimization and added some small improvements 
  • full refactoring of the backend code, optimization
  • improved a deposit list page: more useful information, max delay less than 1 min
  • advanced filter to the deposit list page
  • deposit details page
  • added ability to subscribe for new deposit events at the deposit page 
  • info about deposits,
  • detailed info about the deposit process,
  • search deposits by address,
  • transfer history, 
  • other historical info.