playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
25k KEEP
Round 6
2500 KEEP
Round 5
Introduce yourself
Hi. My name is Nikolay. I'm from Kazakhstan. I am a web programmer.  
I'm happy to join the community. I will study Keep and try to find how I can help the project.

1) KEEP-ETH LP:  I added my September reward as KEEP-ETH LP -
I added my October reward as KEEP-ETH LP -  (Added all my KEEP/ETH LP to the Liquidity Rewards program)

2) I made new updates at the


For October FPK I want to submit two of my works: 

I made the second version of the site, which was made for September FPK. 
I made full refactoring of the backend code, made optimization, made the site responsive for mobiles, and added new features:          

      • I improved a deposit list page there is more useful information now, with max delay less than 1 min        
      • I added an advanced filter to the deposit list page. You can find deposit by the "current state", "lot size", "deposit address",                        "сollateralization less than (%)", "keep contract address", "bitcoin address", "bitcoin transaction hash" fields          

      • Added deposit detail page          

      • Added ability to subscribe for new deposit events at the deposit page 

2) I am the owner of the most popular site for the best NFT game  -, and I decided to add a new feature with tBTC token
I added a new feature at the «Kitty Bounty website section» with  Etherium smart contract, which I modified to use it with tBTC token.
Now every user can create an order for a needed kitty and pay with tBTC  token  - 

The list of created «kitty bounties» here - 

I hope that it will involve more people in the keep community and more people will know about tBTC token, and also  tBTC holders will be able to use it in one more project 


This month I worked on the site which helps to view information about deposits, shows detailed information about the deposit process.
Also provides search deposits by address feature, view a transfer history, and some other historical information.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources