Keep Collateral
This bot is designed to help operators manage the courtesy call events when their keeps become under collateralized.
This bot is designed to help operators manage the courtesy call events when their keeps become under collateralized.
This code might be run by
  • Node Operators looking to manage the Keeps in their Node
  • Service providers offering to redeem Keeps in courtesy call for a fee
The TBTC economic security model requires 150% collateralisation with ETH for the BTC in custody. At 125% the keep is put into a courtesy call for 6 hours before being liquidated. At 110% a liquidation is automatically triggered.
The 6 hour window from courtesy call to liquidation makes the active management of the node problematic due to the fluctuations in the BTC / ETH ratio.
Change Log
  • I am Building a bot to help operators redeem keeps that become under collateralised.