Keep Mania Game
Customised Pacman remake for the Keep Community with leaderboard and real prizes in Keep Tokens
The Game is called KEEP Mania, it is a customised Pacman remake. Logo was takes from Figma Community Kit.

Going through the main characters:

Main: KEEP Knight . Customised with Figma Community Kit in Keep colors
Ghost 1: Bitcoin 
Ghost 2: REN
Ghost 3: KAVA
Ghost 4: Filecoin


Regular Dot: Keep Token 
Super Dot: tBTC  

I guess many of you are familiar with Pacman. You are playing for KEEP Knight, the main goal is to collect Keep Tokens and avoid meeting with Ghosts. When you collect tBTC, you will be able to "eat" those Ghosts. When you collect all the dots, you will proceed to the next level where Ghosts will move faster. You will have 3 lives and as soon as you lose them, the game will end.

As soon as you lose, you will have a field where you can enter you name and you score will be saved in "High Scores". Just enter your Discord username, so we can have an overview of best entries. The system does recognise only number, characters and spaces, so leave "#" sign out when filling. In my case it would be "Nikita7876".

What for?
The game was thought as PFK entry for September, but I did not make it on time, so it is even better it will go straight into October. Every community member will get a chance to test it and achieve their best score. The deadline would be the 31st of October, exact time would be announced a bit later.

Why should I play?
Because its funny  and as a small motivation I will give 100 KEEP  tokens to the best player at the end of October. The winner takes it all. If KEEP Team is interested in increasing rewards, it would be even better.