playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 6
2500 KEEP
Round 5
for a wide variety of contributions as well as an excellent node-running track record
Round 4
Tier One (5k-10k KEEP) + @L i z 's Design Bonus - Additional 5k KEEP
Round 3
Community Awards
Round 2
3rd prize winners
Introduce yourself
Hello, I'm Roma from Ukraine. I'm 30 y.o. I'm a crypto enthusiast and strong supporter of decentralized technologies and systems. Also I like crypto startups dedicated to solving privacy issues. My contribution may be related to RU/UA docs/articles and other materials translation and some gifs/stickers and other graphics creation, or writing unique content about Keep on steemit.

I’m operating 2 ECDSA and 2 Random Beacon nodes with more than 1200 ETH’s bonded by batches, and this month I added 2000 ETHs, so now there is more than 2500 ETHs available for bonding now. My nodes are always very well-configured and serviced ones, and running without any errors. I take it responsibly and always update them and add new ETHs to the bond.

Also I created a detailed «how to» guide on adding liquidity to the TBTC/ETH pool on Uniswap with o.1 minted TBTC:

And another one about «how to» add liquidity to the TBTC meta pool on


I’m operating 2 ECDSA and 2 Random Beacon nodes with more than 1200 ETH’s bonded by batches, my nodes are very well-configured and serviced ones. I take it responsibly and always installing all updates and adding ETHs to the bond in time. And I was included in Piotr’s top3 nodes list that:

TL;DR «staked only 300k KEEP they received from faucet and they are in 20+ keeps each. They had enough ETH to be bonded while some other, highly KEEP-staked operators run out of ETH for bonds.»

In my case I was in 27 keeps.

Links to these Piotr’s messages: 
Also I was giving away many hundreds of ETHs to people who haven’t it and wanted to run their nodes smoothly, without bonding errors. Another my contributions:

Designs:Memes:Articles / guides:

I wrote an article to create more awareness about Keep and tBTC on my blog on steemit:
Also I wrote an article about tBTC to create more awareness about it and to help people better understand its mechanism and design goals:

I hard-tested the tBTC dApp and created a detailed guide of how to use it on my blog on steemit:

I created the most detailed and simple guide of how to run both Random Beacon and ECDSA Keep nodes on Ropsten network so that people try their skills before they go to mainnet: (COPY REPORTED - copy of the guide from user @ducca#5707)

I updated my marketing document (that one I created in July) with a lot of new info and made some design additions.

I added information about tBTC and its recent rc.1 launch, past and future code audits and updated some general info about the project structure. It is available by this link:

Also I made a set of 36 Keep Info-Cards with random facts about Keep Network and tBTC that may be used on official or non-official Keep social media channels to let people understand the project better. They’re available by this link:

I’m also support both Keep and tBTC pages in twitter, I’m actively retweeting and tweeting about the projects on my more than 10k followers page. My twitter username is: @alterkahn. And of course I’m trying to actively participate in a project life, discussions and working processes in any available ways and on several different platforms, and I would love to go though the long road along with the Keep Network. Cheers


I’m running both ECDSA and Random Beacon nodes in Ropsten test network and regularly managing them and bonding ETH’s so that they actively participate in the network functioning. Both nodes operating by this address: 0xf42e0CE64f86F2915468ac4D7A2F5acCde2f1f29

Also I’m constantly promoting Keep and tBTC in Twitter and Telegram. Also I’m helping to newbies launching nodes, minting tBTC in Ropsten test network, and understand the project in general terms. The papers and other materials that I’ve translated and created within the last moths of PFK are very useful in these cases.
I’m also trying to actively participate in the project development and taking a part in all related events.  
Also I’m as usually making some memes:videos:

generating marketing:and design ideas: etc. 


I'm operating both Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes. My operator address is: 0xf42e0CE64f86F2915468ac4D7A2F5acCde2f1f29
List of my July-August contributions:  

Memes:Designs:Gif designs:Brand presence ideas for Keep figma:
Marketing ideas:

Translated Keep Business Primer:

Created a new marketing doc, using translated by my own materials:

Also I'm constantly doing translations into Russian, actively promoting Keep project in Twitter and Reddit, creating memes, designs, generating marketing and design ideas and helping to solve different issues, including nodes operating related issues, for other people, online and offline. Also I'm participating in the tBTC dApp stress-test and inviting new crypto-enthusiasts to get involved in this test and in the the project development and support at all.

Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources