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playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 4
PIotr's Gold Star Node List (from last month!) - Additional 25k KEEP
Round 3
Community Awards
Round 2
3rd prize winners
Introduce yourself
Hi! My name is Sergey. I'm crypto enthusiast. I know several programming languages. Interested in blockchain technology. About three years in crypto
Hey everyone! As you know, in order to participate in Playing for Keeps you have to set up and run a KEEP node. KEEP nodes require 24/7 connection to an Ethereum node. Internet suggests a various of free services, but all of them do have certain limits. Here is an example: Infura is a convenient one, but it has a limit on requests per day. Other free services also have various limitations, such as time limit and concurrent requests limit. Running an own Ethereum node can be too cumbersome. We strive to serve our KEEP community and that’s why we decided to run a public Ethereum node with no limits, zero fees, and with public monitoring.
We invite all PFK participants and KEEP node owners to take advantage of using our scalable Ethereum node on the Ropsten network! The link below points to a server pool that is running Ethereum nodes with automatic load balancing. You will not experience any limit on requests, like in Infura, there is no time limit (the nodes will be running at least till PFK completes), so your KEEP nodes will always be online and running, even if experiencing heavy load. To use our Ethereum node, just add these links to your config file instead of Infura.
URL = "wss://"
We also offer a convenient monitoring tool for this server pool via Grafana. You can monitor the servers load, capacity and performance in real time. The link is available to everyone and requires no registration. We are planning to maintain the service and to share new features as they become available. We are open to any feedback and suggestions!

Link(s) to relevant material:
1. Running Keep Random Beacon node with address: 0xa073c4fe0e369928853986056aeb605c4525b2bc
2. Running Keep ECDSA nodes: 0xc2C5b1F115b4c82fB0c1ce6208AcD7089e3B506D 0x293B5B65cF68374738D784bb7527f9078dD74481 0xDE94D1D4D6E5EE50Bbbf8E5B37f444327c82FAA3 0x885e016b6356b0ab0b16e204F367629AA2e2c592 0xaa19bcdeB32970fE28DE970350e66a8feC9fc9B9
3. I wrote a simple telegram bot that collects all the useful information on deposit \ redeem (TX hashes, TDT_ID etc)
4. Ropsten tBTC challenge wallet address: 0xa073c4fe0e369928853986056aeb605c4525b2bc
5. Created github issue:
6. TBTC challenge report 1: TBTC challenge report 2:
7. Working as a team on the next case:
8. Funding ECDSA operators to ensure the normal operation of tBTC exchange:
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources