playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 3
Community Awards
Round 2
3rd prize winners
Round 1
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
The Judge's Top 5. Their contributions were focused on ECDSA staking and many issues including technical requests and hardware experimentation.
Introduce yourself
Hi, this is tommy. I came across keep network from Twitter.


1. Created and tested the latest Keep Random Beacon docker images for Raspberry PI. The published images for ARMv7 and ARM64 can be downloaded from Docker Hub (mutedtommy/keep-client:v1.3.0-rc, v1.3.0-rc-64bit)

2. Updated the instructions on tutorials for setting up Grafana monitoring to include metrics from KEEP Random Beacon ( and

3. Provided the high level instructions for including KEEP metrics if Grafana monitoring is already setup at

4. The updated sample prometheus.yml for scraping the keep metrics is provided at

5. Published the updated Grafana dashboard with keep metrics for reuse at The dashboard provides information on critical metrics like number of connected peers, hard disk usage, memory usage, ETH connectivity and visibility of relay entry requests.

6. Running random beacon and ECDSA nodes.


I have deployed the updated version of KEEP Grants Explorer app. It can be accessed from The purpose of the app is to provide transparency around how KEEP grants are used/handled by the grantees. Feedback or feature suggestions are welcome.


1) Setup monitoring/alerting for Random Beacon node using Grafana, Loki and Prometheus. Published articles for other community members to do the monitoring setup (links: Thanks @arn77 for testing the instructions and providing feedback. Document also available in #📖staking-resources

2) Helped with the Stakedrop Onboarding Zoom Call

3) Regularly help with questions on node and monitoring setup on Discord channels and DMs

4) Published keep-client:v1.2.4-rc for Raspberry Pi on Docker Hub. The image can be downloaded from  (tag-name: v1.2.4-rc) if anyone else wishes to run a random beacon node on ARMV7 hardware. Will keep publishing the newer images as required.

5) Published keep-ecdsa:v1.1.2-rc for Raspberry Pi on Docker Hub. The image can be downloaded  (tag-name: v1.1.2-rc) if anyone else wishes to run an ECDSA node on ARMV7 hardware. Will keep publishing the newer images as required.

6) Running 2 keep random beacon nodes with addresses (one on cloud another on Raspberry Pi ARMv7)


I came across keep network from Twitter. I am interested in decentralised systems. What stood out for me was how Keep is working with community to decentralise the tBTC signing, the first application on Keep network. The process gives chance to individuals to be involved in the decentralisation process and not just big validators. I am running a Ropsten becon node since more than a week now and intend to run it for at least till end of this year. I will actively keep working with the testnet node for any new rollouts and updates. Following are my activities over last few weeks:

1) Running 2 keep beacon nodes with addresses (one on cloud another on Raspberry Pi ARMv7)

2) Created a docker image for Raspberry Pi (ARMV7). The image can be downloaded
if anyone else wishes to run a node on similar ARMV7 hardware:                                           
3) Published and article on how to run dockerised keep beacon nodes on ARM devices

4) Submitted a pull request to fix solidity version problem in
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources