One-Click KEEP - Network Setup Tool
One-click KEEP networks for local app development & testing
One-Click KEEP was built to help KEEP Network application developers quickly spin up one or more networks locally on their computers.
Key Features:
  • Create a local KEEP Network in a few clicks:
    • 1 Bitcoin Node
    • 1 Ethereum Node
    • 1 Electrum Server
    • Up to 9 KEEP ECDSA Nodes
    • Up to 9 KEEP Random Beacon Nodes
  • Auto-hosted tBTC dApp & KEEP dashboard instances
  • View streaming logs from each node
  • Manually mine new Bitcoin & Ethereum blocks
  • Send bitcoin to fund deposits
  • Export contract artifacts for use in your project
  • Connect from your app to the network via RPC
  • i18n Ready
  • Multiple OS support for Mac, Windows & Linux
Coming Soon:
  • Trigger conditions from the UI (one-click mint, liquidation scenarios, etc.)
  • Manual docker image version selection & custom image support
  • Easier consumption in tbtc.js & other libraries