playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
10k KEEP
Round 6
2500 KEEP
Introduce yourself
Hello everyone! My name is Veronika, I am glad to join such a global project! I am a UI/UX designer, I hope that my experience in this area will serve as an excellent promotion for Keep!
Now my priorities will be creating beautiful and impressive illustration, banners, infographic, launching and maintaining nodes, and also comparing the advantages offered by KEEP with competitors.

December PFK  
Discord username: veronikon#4565
Twitter: @veronikon44 With joy and regret (since this is the last PFK)
I want to present you my work this month.
This month I have been working on the graphic (infographics and banners), translations and community promotion through social media (Facebook and twitter). The community @keep_project liked and retweeted my posts.
I created some interesting and modern infographics, visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. Story about my experience in Keep project. And published it in my Facebook page.  
Designed a banner and published it on my twitter I've translated 3 articles to Bulgarian language. Thank you to my friends @oleg-2018 and @Dmytro for invitation and help with my nodes!
October PFK
September PFK


For October PFK, I worked hard on the UI/UX design, graphic design, node's support, and promotion of the project through social networks.   UI/UX Design

I created UX/UI design for Keep Token Dashboard in two versions
- White and Night Mode.
New UI/UX web design for

I wanted to save the main style
- black & white colors with minimalism and simple.
Also I created mobile design for

All three of these UI/UX design works have been awarded and featured on Keep Community Design System

Graphic design Also I created a new banner design that can be used for news channels

Design of business cards using corporate colors and logo

Graphic design of celebrate poster

And a funny mem

All my works are completely original and I, as their author, can provide source materials for further use in order to develop and improve the community.  

Nodes Besides of this still running Random Beacon node. 
And ECDSA node Node. Social network Also, to promote the community, I use my twitter account, where I post my works


This is my first introduce post

After this I started my first Random Beacon node.
And successfully launched my first ECDSA node Node.

Thanks for help to @oleg-2018 Nodes are fully updated and have been working for 3 weeks without stopping.
I put more than 40 test ethereum for stable work.

The corporate style guide made a strong impression on me and I created new diagram for the project

And the stakedrop reward supply curve

Inspired by the latest article «tBTC, the Safe Way To Use Bitcoin in DeFi, Is Live on»

I created an animation video about how to use Bitcoin in DeFi easy «tBTC. How to use Bitcoin in DeFi».
More than a thousand people watched it.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources