playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
25k KEEP
Introduce yourself
Hi. I am Ilya from Russia. I found your project on the Bitcointalk forum.
I liked the stakedrop program and I want to try this program in action in the near future.

Hello everyone. I am Ilya and I'm happy to be with your project. I found your project on the Bitcointalk forum.
I liked the stakedrop program and I want to try this program in action in the near future. Link to my previous message:
I also started a Beacon and ECDSA nodes in the Ropsten network.
I developed a bot for tBTC. This bot can observe different indicators, such as current supply, increase in percents and also minimum and maximum values. Bot is based on typescript and jаvascript technologies.
The backend is now ready. Planning to add graphical ui next month.

I also started a Beacon and ECDSA nodes in the Ropsten network.

I developed a bot for tBTC. This bot can observe different indicators, such as current supply, increase in percents and also minimum and maximum values.
Bot is based on typescript and jаvascript technologies. The backend is now ready.
Planning to add graphical ui next month.


I also started a beacon node in the Ropsten network.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources