playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
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Introduce yourself
Hi Everyone, I am Kiran.

Running both RB and ECDSA nodes since June and maintaining the nodes with all updates / releases on time.
Monitoring Setup Using Grafana, Prometheus and Loki.


My September Contribution :

September is my first month of participation to Keep Project.

I have launched Keep-Client (Random Beacon) and ECDSA nodes few weeks ago. I have made all version updates on time and currently on Random Beacon (keep-client:v1.3.0-rc.4) and ECDSA (keep-ecdsa-client:v1.2.0-rc.5) Nodes. My Operator address is: 0x642070D5FDe33d0D259e59D400150d69edd531DC Keep-Client (RB) : 2020-09-30T10:32:00.612Z      
INFO    keep-net-libp2p number of connected peers: [574] ECDSA : 2020-09-30T10:33:08.144Z      
INFO    keep-net-libp2p number of connected peers: [603] Happy to be part of Keep project and thanks to @Harish@Naga for introducing me to Keep Project and helping me to setup the Nodes. Looking forward for an exciting journey with Keep.
Congratulations to Keep team for tBTC grand launch. I just made a small gif for a celebration of tBTC launch.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources