playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Introduce yourself
Hi, My name is Tatiana. I'm from southern Russia.
My friends told me about Keep and I started to study it myself. 

Here is my contribution:

1) First It was not easy, but I coped!

2) Second My younger sister and I thought long and hard about how to convey the idea of the KEEP project and decided to "revive" the program in the form of a superhero - the defender of your personal data and keeper of "secrets". It appears when a client needs help, and blocks the actions of attackers with its shield. We hope that you will appreciate our efforts, we have put our soul into this picture.

And we made a couple of T-shirts with this design :)


In September PFK I studied the project and did some creative work. 

And so, here is my contribution:

1) First It was a difficult task to make a node, but I coped!   

2) Second I spent 3 hours in the kitchen cooking KEEP-Pizza

3) Third I made mini-KEEP-pizza for my baby!

4) Fourth Keep has charged me with a good mood.

And I continue to fight the infection for the benefit of humanity.
Thank you.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources