playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Introduce yourself
Hello, my name is Lena. This month, I learned about Keep and was amazed by the team approach. I respect the team's attention to the details, and that the team isn't in a hurry to present the solution very fast but rather checks everything prior to the launch, eliminating the risks. Interaction with community is also high-level. I'm happy to be useful for the project. I'm no programmer, still I used my skills for spreading information about Keep and tBTC.

October contributions for PFK.  

1) I have been running the Ecdsa and Beacon nodes from the previous month, today I've updated them.

2) I got aquainted with the preferences for the Oktober PFK, which had "Efforts to drive deeper tBTC liquidity safely, eg. isolated Curve pools (TBTC:WBTC)" as one of the options, and decided to provide liquidity into the Curve pool.
I did this as well as prepared a video tutorial for people who know only little about processes of adding liquidity or do not understand the Curve interface.
I hope thanks to the tutorial they will get more understanding of the procedure.

3) I prepared the article on Medium based on my video with screenshots for people who are more text-oriented.

4) Besided, I made a video about swapping any assets into tBTC via 1inch — for people who would like to provide liquidity for tBTC but do not know where to buy it.

5) I made a text version for this video.
I hope my activities during this month were helpful for the community and crypto enthusiasts!


Hello, my name is Lena. This month, I learned about Keep and was amazed by the team approach. I respect the team's attention to the details, and that the team isn't in a hurry to present the solution very fast but rather checks everything prior to the launch, eliminating the risks.
Interaction with community is also high-level. I'm happy to be useful for the project. I'm no programmer, still I used my skills for spreading information about Keep and tBTC.

1) I'm running Ecdsa and Beacon nodes.

2) I'm keen on video editing so I made this marketing sketch for Keep. This was my debut in the role of director and camera operator.
Thank you for the opportunity to showcase my talent!

3) I also applied my 6-years translator experience and made a translation of the article about tBTC for the Ukrainian community.
I also work with Russian language so please feel free to contact me if you need any help.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources