playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Introduce yourself
My name is Alex and I live in Ireland.
I am 18 years old, this year I discovered the world of blockchain.
I read a lot of articles about different projects and technologies.

Recently I saw information about КEEP, and decided to take part in PFK.
I administer two nodes 0x479454a4Ccd8972f8cF6C951Bfc4C808FeBC987E
I've done Irish translations of articles.

Irish translations

- Director of Product - Keep
- tBTC Is Now Fully Open-Sourced
- Bitcoin Holders Can Soon Get Into Mobile-based DeFi on Celo
- tBTC Enables Safe Access to Celo, Extending Opportunities for BTC Holders

Recently I saw information about КEEP, and decided to take part in PFK. I've done Irish translations of articles and some simple designs.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources