playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Introduce yourself
Shalom haverim! My name is Boris, i'm a student of engineering from Israel.
I joined Keep Discord a few months ago, but have some problems installing nodes.
Now there are many simple tutorials about nodes, so i got back and installed the nodes about 3 weeks ago to take part in the Playing for Keeps event. I like the idea of the project and trying to spread the word about it.
Also I'm thinking of staking ETH to get some KEEP in the near future.

My contributions for Nov-Dec PFK:

1. As part of MASA program, each of the students had the opportunity to prepare a speech about what they were interested in. I did a small presentation of Keep project and tBTC to other students. It was a small short talk but I managed to explain the main ideas of Keep and several people became interested in cryptocurrencies and in particular TBTC, especially because Bitcoin grow to ATH now. Here is a little slideshow from the event:

2. I've sent my previous 1k reward to LP pool on UniSwap:

3. I'm keeping translating most important articles to Hebrew.
This month i've added another 3: I have been running ECDSA and Beacon nodes for 3 months. 

My contributions for October PFK: Translations of main articles about KEEP to Hebrew:
Video of of how KEEP coin may look like in the real world:
My previous PFK post:
(i've added new translations this month).
I have been running ECDSA and Beacon nodes for 2 months: 


I am running ECDSA and Beacon nodes.

Translation of article
Translation of article
Unfortunately i'm not a developer, so i can't create such cool stuff that others do.
But i have some basic 3D skills and decided to create a video of how KEEP coin may look like in the real world:
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources