playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
@jay han#0741
PFK Rewards
Round 7
@jay han#0741
10k KEEP
Round 6
@jay han#0741
2500 KEEP
Introduce yourself
Hi community, Im happy to participate in KEEP discord.
My name is Jay. Im a financial analyst working at one of the biggest financial institutions in Korea. Im a crypto enthusiast, especially BTC.
I strongly believe BTC and its underlying technology blockchain with crypto have the potential to disrupt traditional financial system in the mid to long term.
 Its more than speculative asset, in my view. To articulate my thought to public, I published several blockchain books such as <Bitcoin imperialism> and <Next Finance>

I uploaded fundamental analysis content as to rigorous tokenized BTC comparison with numerical analysis. (token economy, tokenized BTC value, etc.) at various major online crypto community in Korea. I highlighted the potential of tBTC-KEEP since not many Korea crypto natives are not aware of it yet. This content hit online crypto community and ranked #3 most read content at Cobak (the most famous crypto community in Korea) with > 1,000 viewers within 3hrs. Im observing this content continuously resonates via various group chat among Korean crypto community, which should help raise awareness of tBTC-KEEP in Korea. In fact, after uploading content, I witnessed new comer inflow to Korea keep community on Kakao Talk (Kakao Talk is kind of Whatsapp in Korea) Furthermore, I introduced tokenized BTC and KEEP on Hankyoung Business (Kinda Korean Financial Times. Most popular economy magazine according to Naver which is Korean Google) Please note that readership of Hankyoung Business is mainly busiess leaders and bankers rather than crypto native ppl. I believe this is helpful for KEEP community to enhance awareness in mainstream.

1.Why Im interested in Keep and tBTC As a BTC maximalist, I always wanted to generate yield without selling BTC. Despite I tried to use centralized financial service providers, I couldnt trust them due to lack of confidence and uncertain regulation. In the meantime, I started to learn Defi and I concluded Defi could cause paradigm shift in entire financial industry albeit it may take decades to solve existing problems. Among various Defi categories, from my standpoint of view, one of the most interesting categories is tokenized BTC. While I started to study various tokenized BTCs,  @DetoxJuice introduced tBTC (Were co-author of the book <Next Finance> and I truly respect his opinion) and encouraged me to closely look at it. After doing research, I concluded tBTC-KEEP had potential to be one of major tokenized BTC in the future (Everyone knows WBTC is dominant at the moment but who knows next 3 years? Likewise, who predicted Uniswap trading volume would surpass that of Coinbase 3 years ago?) since its a community driven, real decentralized way of unlocking BTC. To grow together, I hope to be engaged with KEEP community early and contribute my resource.

2.What Im submitting for PFK in Oct I uploaded fundamental analysis content as to rigorous tokenized BTC comparison with numerical analysis. (token economy, tokenized BTC value, etc.) at various major online crypto community in Korea. I highlighted the potential of tBTC-KEEP since not many Korea crypto natives are not aware of it yet. This content hit online crypto community and ranked #3 most read content at Cobak (the most famous crypto community in Korea) with > 1,000 viewers within 3hrs. Im observing this content continuously resonates via various group chat among Korean crypto community, which should help raise awareness of tBTC-KEEP in Korea. In fact, after uploading content, I witnessed new comer inflow to Korea keep community on Kakao Talk (Kakao Talk is kind of Whatsapp in Korea) 

3.How I can add value to Keep community further Since Im a writer with financial industry background, I think I can add value to Keep community by articulating KEEP-tBTCs vision in written format. Other than one off online content upload, I can do various things in other ways. For instance, I regularly publish blockchain column via Hankyoung Business on a monthly basis (Hankyoung business is a classic mainstream media, specialized in economy and business. Its kind of Financial Times in Korea).
The beauty of Hankyoung Business is that its main audience is not crypto natives but mass audience who have general interest in finance, economy and business. If Im writing on tokenized BTC and KEEP-tBTC, I believe its good to promote KEEP community and strengthen Korean Keep community power. Heres the link I used to publish albeit its Korean Besides, Im co-working project with government agency since theyre highly interested in Defi.
Please understand I cant disclose the detail at present since it`s nascent stage. I might educate them KEEP-tBTC and encourage them to closely look at this community. Who knows? KEEP-tBTC might be shown at government published report or some public Defi brochure in Korea. Perhaps, this may lead Keep community to participate in Defi roadshow in Korea in the future. This is just one of many possible scenarios.

Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources