playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 4
Tier Two (2k-5k KEEP)
Introduce yourself
Hi! I am a blockchain enthusiast from Russia. I participate in testnets of various projects. In crypto since 2017.

I think KEEP is a great project. Especially considering the current hype around DeFi.

1. I'm running random beacon and ECDSA nodes: 0x7884fa36730e761e3f73c34554852d403d3d4cd8

2. Made a short cartoon:
Direct link: to the popularity of the project by posting this cartoon in the largest Russian-language Telegram chats:
3. Made a adapted translation of articles into Russian about team members and advisors::

And articles on decentralization and blockchains:4. Helped the community in discord #🏰general and #🇷🇺keep-ru channels.

5. I actively participated it testing tBTC DApp. To participate in testing, I received several hundred testnet BTC from faucets.

6. Boosted keep's server in discord


I'm running random beacon and ECDSA nodes: 0x7884fa36730e761e3f73c34554852d403d3d4cd8
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources