playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
PFK Rewards
Round 7
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
10k KEEP
Round 6
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
An excellent staker and mod, Evandro got KEEP and TBTC listed on Totle!
Round 5
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
Round 4
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
Tier One (5k-10k KEEP) + @L i z 's Design Bonus - Additional 5k KEEP
Round 3
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
for Keepor, chatbot extraordinaire, in staking-info-bot , as well as translationg, a dedicated node-running site, and design
Round 2
@Evandro Saturnino#9833
3rd prize winners
Introduce yourself
Hello, my name is Evandro Saturnino, I'm UI/UX designer from Brazil.

Hello all! Evandro here.
For the Mega pfk round:

1) Doing my best at being KEEP moderator, daily responding users questions, passing forward critical cases to the team, helping the team with suggestions when asked, kicking bots (looots of them  ) and keeping the server in order according to the rules.
2) I Wrote a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw the rewards using etherscan for interval 1 and 2 (Helped many users, and have been translated to a several languages already by the community)
3) I’m mainnet staker, more than 35 deposits has been bonded already by my node until now (deposits with varied lots), 0 faults 0 liquidations - no slashing or signer time-out, DM me about node informations!
4) I am, of course, still training the Watson's machine learning bot I created for the community at #🤖staking-info-bot as can be seen at the channel.
5) I’m also staking at testnet since week of the Crowdcast live in June, my operator address is: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a

Hello all, Evandro here. For the October’s pfk: 

1) Manage to get listed tBTC on Totle Infrastructure. 

2) David Bleznak, CEO of Totle, informed me that some KEEP transactions have emerged on the last weeks after 
I integrated their infrastructure on my tool, and knowing that the community is using it is really exciting.

He asked what they could do it to promote Keep, and I asked him to list tBTC as well, and to promote the tool on twitter, here's proof:

AND....They did it! To +6k followers of Totle Infrastructure! 

So I am very happy that my application is being used by Keep community, and this month 
I made it responsive to increase accessibility, and I've already made available on the main page the possibility for swapping tBTC.

 3) I am, of course, still constantly training the Watson's machine learning bot I created for the community at #🤖staking-info-bot as can be seen at the channel, while I also help community members with their questions. 

4) I’m also staking at testnet since week of the Crowdcast live in June, my operator address is: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a 

5) I’m mainnet staker, more than 25 deposits has been bonded already by my node until now!


1) I've created an app for the community, it's a DeFi agreggator for Keep Network: First I've reached out the Totle development team, and manage to get them list KEEP token in their exchange and API token list, and then I requested and got an exclusive API key to their infrastructure. With this I built this DeFi aggregator exclusively for the KEEP community.
Using this app is possible to swap you tokens to KEEP or vice-versa with best price across all decentralized exchanges.

The advantages of this DeFi aggregator in comparison to other DeFi aggregators existent:

- Totle infrastructure provides the inovative technology of splitting orders across multiple exchanges to get the best price in just one transaction;

- Automatic insurance through Nexus Mutual: Users are covered for up to 600 ETH in the event that funds are lost during a swap due to an unforeseen bug;

- Already pre-configured with the correct KEEP token contract address, avoiding scam problem as most decentralized exchanges do not have KEEP listed on their list;

- Non-custodial, compliant, and transparent;

- Save more on gas than using a DEX natively with refunds;

- KEEP integrated along with +5600 other tokens.

See more features in this link:
For more detailed information regarding this application, refer to the Git document:

2)  I bought a Nexus Mutual cover for my tBTC deposit following Matt Luongo's challenge, made in #🏰general yesterday, cover's ID: 2192

3)  I've been one of the most active participants of the server, actively helping the community in different channels, and of course I am constantly training the Watson's machine learning bot I created for the community at #🤖staking-info-bot while I also help community members with their questions.

4) I am maintaining that was created with the objective of bringing new people to the Keep network, in addition to offering documentation for those who want to learn more about how to do stake. The website has been active for almost 4 months, and in it's brazillian version has already 13 translated documents, that I've translated in the past pfks.

5) I’m also staking at testnet since week of the Crowdcast live in June, my operator address is: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a


Technical work: 

1) I've made an integration on the Keepor bot to the API that my bro (@Leonardo Saturnino) provided to the community, and now it is possible for anyone to check the status of any contract address of mainnet at #🤖staking-info-bot. Now, in addition to actively helping the community with important information and tutorials about stake, the bot, through machine learning interpretation, can also offer updated information about any contract node.

2) I am actively training Watson's machine learning for the #🤖staking-info-bot, and now I am implementing specific tutorials, for example how to operate the stake on the dashboard and I am interacting with new conditionals in dialog structures to offer more complete tutorials.

Community work:

1) I created a documentation hub, with the translations I did for the community, which is now totaling 13 articles translated into Portuguese since the beginning of the pfk, and obviously this hub is also available with its original articles in English:

2)  I'm actively helping the community by answering questions directly from users when they arise, and I'm also teaching the bot #🤖staking-info-bot in the proccess as users chat with keepor.  I am receiving help from Liz Shinn in the bot channel in determining the best responses for some cases. And as can be seen, Keepor has had a lot of interaction with users of the community in the past two weeks, proving its usefulness for the project!

3) The website was created with the objective of bringing new people to the Keep network, in addition to offering documentation for those who want to learn more about how to do stake, the website has been active for almost 3 months, and throughout this time it has already thousands of page views and hundreds of unique visitors. Most of them come from Brazil who find the site on Google, proof:

Design works:

1) I created a website for the community:, in order to promote the usefulness of tBTC for the DeFi ecosystem, This website, in addition to presenting tBTC, has two fictional tokens which are tETH and tUSD, so that it can, in some way, encourage someone interested to built those applications.

2)  I've created another website, I am very inspired these days hehe. After, this time I looked for inspiration in the submissions that the community has made with stickers for local businesses, and instead of just writing an article about a possible service/product in a blog, I decided to create the website that can be used in the future with a prototype by someone interested in developing it. So instead of just making a blog post about possible services using the Keep infrastructure, I decided to make these functional sites that can better illustrate the possibilities that I imagined and can even bring inspiration to others to effectively create these services.

New translation contributions:

2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.

Testnet stake:
  I’m also staking at testnet since week of the Crowdcast live, my operator address is: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a18


My PFK Submission for July/Mid-August (evandro.saturnino#9833)

This month has been very productive for me and I helped the community a lot in what I could do. I'm really looking forward to participating in the mainnet stake.

1) I developed a chatbot using Watson's machine learning from IBM, I was careful to get all the information, before its implementation, together with the Keep team, both with Liz Shinn and Kris, and because of that, I even documented its development in the Issue that Liz created on Github. Follow the issue link on Keep's Github:

2) I integrated the chatbot here on this server, in the #🤖staking-info-bot  channel and some other channels by command '!Keepor' and I've been improving it daily by teaching through watson's machine learning the new contexts of conversations as users interacted with it daily.

3) I made improvements to the website that I created for the community, made it responsive, added information regarding the bot linking to the discord channel and linked more important documentation. And in the Portuguese version of this site ( I also indexed 3 new articles that I myself translated into Portuguese.

The website that I created for the community has 365 unique visitors since its creation, many of these came from google searching in portuguese, I can send my server's reports if necessary.

4) The articles reported above that I translated into Portuguese, and are indexed to are:

1. 2. 3.

5) I’m also staking at testnet since week of the Crowdcast live, my operator address is: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a18

6) I am actively in the discord helping the community who ask various questions to the bot, assisting them directly, answering their questions while also teaching chatbot. More information about my submission will be sent on etherpad today.


1) I've created a website for Keep Network with portuguese documentation:

2) Along with this site i translated some articles in medium, links below (Also inserted the links in the website)

3) I've made a Report Dashboard at Dune analytics, I've created some queries and also i've made some fundamental changes in other good queries available and translated all them to portuguese. link below (Link is also in the website).

4) This week I will record a youtube video making a step-by-step for how to configure the stake in portuguese, I also will attach the link in my website.

5) I also am staking at testnet since week of the Crowdcast live, my operator address is: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a18


Dune Analytics Dashboard:

Medium article:

Medium article:

Medium article:

Operator address of testnet staking live: 0x76C8283cd3503c2D7e2dEEfea4F1f3aE63899a18
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources