playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 4
Long-tail awards
Introduce yourself
Hello everybody! My name is Julia and I am from Russia.
I started getting acquainted with the technical part of blockchain projects and figured out how to launch a node from the test network.
I have been in the crypto world for about 3 years and recently joined the KEEP project.
I am sure that it will be interesting to participate in testing your network.


My past message is at this link -
My ECDSA and Random-Beacon nodes is up and running.

I set up network monitoring where you can see useful information, link to monitoring -

I also translated two interesting articles about btc, namely about this technology. I was very interested and I learned a lot:

My past message is at this link

My ECDSA and Random-Beacon nodes is up and running with this address - 0x041B97be51971BD4B6bcD63E1434Ef181F836c51

I set up network monitoring where you can see useful information, link to monitoring

I also translated two interesting articles about btc, namely about this technology. I was very interested and I learned a lot:
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources