playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
25k KEEP
Round 6
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
Sweet tBTC browser extension, based on KeepScan!
Round 5
5k KEEP, Design and more
Introduce yourself
Hi guys! My name is Ildar!
I am a frontend developer from Russia. I've been following KEEP since June 2020 and finally decided to try myself in PFK and in further development of the project. While passing the quest, the thought struck me: why not to participate in the development with the guys who came up with this cool adventure?? I would like to take part in this project and can help with: - Some coding stuff - Text translations - Running a node - Design
P.S. I've run nodes on 4th of September and everything had been OK before I noticed slashed tokens in Token Dashboard (it appeared on 15th of September). I got some problems with nodes. After that I solved thios issue and use @whataday2day#1271 service for nodes. Thanks a lot to this guys for great help!

Hello again! This is my third and the last month of PFK.
And I really hope to be in a winner list for a third time!
My last contribution:
September October

Contribution for November-December PFK:

1.    Keep running both of nodesюD

2.    Have talked with @Kris about Russian meet-up in Zoom and held it after  approving.
Link to recording:

3.    Translated some articles into Russian. “A Wrap-up of SnapFingers BitcoinFi AMA”
“Amanda Cassatt to Judge Playing for Keeps Latest Round for 2 Million KEEP”
"ECDSA staker rewards: 2020-12-11 - 2020-12-18"
“List TBTC as Collateral Asset”
"How to Earn Playing for Keeps LP Matching Prizes"
"How to mint BTC to tBTC using CoinList. Guide"
"Client: 1.6.0 (Mainnet)"

4.    Reviewed a new token dashboard design and left a feedback about it

5.    Some translations of infographics and formulas:

6.    Amanda Cassatt told that this PFK we have to do education material, so after that I would like to introduce new update for my extension! First of all I did a version for Android devices (waiting approval, I’ll share a link via browser extension when it is approved), now you can check it out by installing .apk attached, and now my app has option to go to “Keep Directory” that has all articles about KEEP and tBTC on many languages which will help you to learn more about projects!
Thanks to @meh for allowing to use “Keep Directory” in my app and @Marcus941 for new refreshed design of the app! And Happy New Year guys!


This is my second month of PFK.
This month I worked with technical side (created a browser extension for monitoring and written a guide how to move BTC to tBTC) and I hope to get a good feedback! P.S. Thanks emerido#6619 for providing API and subgraph!
Contribution for October PFK:

1. Keep running both of nodes.

2. Designed a business card for the team

3. Created a Russian Wikipedia page of Keep Network (wanted to create English version, but I am not allowed to translate articles there).
The page has Overview, History, Economic (most of it I had to delete due to advertise suspicions), tBTC, Staking, Stakers, tbtc.js, Random Beacon, PFK chapters. 

4. I created a browser extension for KEEP and tBTC monitoring. Extension approved in browser store. You can visit (KEEP, tBTC),,, see monitoring of tokens, contract addresses via app.
I hope my app will make easier to monitor KEEP and tBTC tokens.
And made a short video of its features

5. Wrote a guide “How to make your BTC farm in Ethereum field”

6. Translated “How to make your BTC farm in Ethereum field” into Russian

7. Voted for tBTC-ETH on SushiSwap

Link(s) to relevant material: 
1. Run both of nodes (Beacon and ECDSA) according to new changes on 4th of September.
4. Reimagined Token Dashboard design for small devices 
6. Wrote an article “What is Infura” 
7. Translated some articles into Russian What is Infura
8. Translated some articles into Arabic 
9. Help with Node Running Sometimes folk ask someone to help with node, and I help them to find out the problem. Links to msg: 
Also I have several discussions in PM. 
10. Advices for UI improvements in Discord chat(can redesign if it needed) 
11. Submitted a user review for tokenDashboard 
13. Invited couple of my friends to this project: kazumaikki#5718 and Gulnaz#7531 (She is a polyglot and I'm sure she will be helpful for the Keep) help them with node running and share some ETH
14. I got my homework at the university to prepare a project on a chosen topic. I chosen blockchain. And I decided to tell in detail about Keep Network. Here you can see my presentation: 
I hope it will be useful for somebody else and will expand our community!

Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources