playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Introduce yourself
Hello Everyone!
My name is Sergejs, I am from Riga.
I am student and I want to participate in your project and contribute to it. I do some music in my free time, so maybe I will add some creative stuffs to your community))

Recently I joined your community, but I am absolutely fan of what you guys doing, it is one the greatest crypto project and community that I ever met.

 This is my submission for October PFK!

I tried my best to contribute to it. I am not a really tech guy, so even setting nodes was not so easy for me, however I hope that you will also find some place for creative stuff like what I used to do. So, I will bring some soul and warm to your community! You can find my welcome message just here - 

As I already mentioned before, music is my passion and hobby, so the work I am proud of the most is that I did promotional song and video about Keep Network. I just published it, so I think it will become viral and it can be a great promo for Keep Network.
You can check it here:
(I can transfer all the rights and original sources for you). Also, in case you will like this one song, I can also try to make more videos & songs for you, so the feedback is welcome!

As for the second, I I am running nodes  for the second month (both Beacon and ECSDA)

I also did some promotion activities, so as I just celebrated my birthday, I decided to make a Keep Network birthday cake and I posted it across various social media. I think it looks awesome! So, you can check post about it right here -

I also made some posts to popular crypto forums with the aim to attract more people to Keep community, you can check it here:  1)

Meanwhile, I also made some funny memes, you can find it here: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

  • My submission for September PFK 
Hello, Keep Network community! My name is Sergejs, I have just recently joined your community, so it is my first submission, however I tried my best to contribute to it. I am not a really tech guy, so even setting nodes was not so easy for me, however I hope that you will also find some place for creative stuff like what I used to do. So, I will bring some soul and warm to your community!
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources