playing for KEEPS
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Introduce yourself
Hello everybody!
My name is Kostya and I am a Devops engineer.
I accidentally found your repository on github and studied it.
The ideas that you want to implement are very relevant  in the crypto industry, I am interested in your project.

1) Launched a Beacon and ECDSA nodes in the Ropsten network.

2) I set up a dashboard for Analytics on KEEP services -

3) I set up Zabbix monitoring on my nodes according to the instructions of one of the community members

4) And more translated two articles I liked:
  1. Launched a Beacon and ECDSA nodes in the Ropsten network with the address - 0x4B8fC936e59D4fD4724af8b26bc532b02b0DBce3
  2. I set up a dashboard for Analytics on KEEP services
  3. I set up Zabbix monitoring on my nodes according to the instructions of one of the community members
  4. And more translated two articles I liked: 
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources