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Hi. My name is Genrikh, I am from Ukraine.

I keep running Keep Random Beacon node with address: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7.

ECDSA node is also up and running since 13.06.20 with the addresses: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7

In this month I continued to work on website to track and to take part in tBTC liquidation auctions (You can see detailed description at my August submission).
Algorithms for obtaining data from signers groups and for user participation in liquidation auctions in the development process. This is a big task for me and may take some more time. Also this month, more accurate algorithms for mathematical modeling of ETH/BTC  price behavior were developed and implemented

With @bakarapara and @paydaSandros we continued gathering useful information and guides about KEEP Network and tBTC in one website for Russian community -


A website to track and to take part in tBTC liquidation auctions A website with a simple interface which allow everybody to:

1.    Track ETH balance and tBTC debts for all signer groups

2.    To configure automatic simulation which allow to understand how safe ETH collateral size is at a given time interval. (Already working automatic simulation page together with ETH/BTC volatility chart is currently on another hosting)

3.    Get all liquidations history.

4.    Get detailed data for every chosen liquidation.  

1.    At the “Signers” page users will see ETH balance, tBTC debts, ratio and status for every signer group. There are 4 possible statuses: SAFE (Ratio > 150%), Warning (125%<Ratio<150%), Unsafe (110%<Ratio<125%) and Liquidation (Ratio<110%) marked by different colors. For now it is only a template but all the necessary features will be added in the coming months

2.    At the “Simulation” page you can input Debt (BTC), Collateral (ETH), Duration(days) and choose simulation mode. Based on this data and historical variance and standard deviation for ETH/BTC price, the website creates a multiple simulations (Corresponded graphs are shown, OX – days, OY - ETH/BTC price).

For now it is only a “Standard” mode but Bullish and Bearish modes will be implemented next month.

Current ETH and BTC prices are taken from by API. Using this data you can see how safe collateral ETH amount is at a given time interval.

3.    At the “Liquidation” page there is a history of all liquidations. Press “Details” button to see more or if you consider to take part in this auction. For now it is only a template but all the necessary features will be added in the coming months

4.    At the page with detailed data for chosen liquidation event there are corresponded prices, ETH addresses and TXs. Press “Participate” button if you want to take part in this auction. For now it is only a template but all the necessary features will be added in the coming months.

Most of features are still at the development stage right now, but I hope you can see how and why this website will be useful for KEEP ecosystem. A lot of work is still ahead so I will do my best to deliver fully functional product as soon as possible. website is mobile friendly already, you can check it in your smartphone.

Also I keep running Keep Random Beacon node with address: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7. ECDSA node is also up and running since 13.06.20 with the addresses: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7  

Here is my article on topic “Prospects for implementing DAO for KEEP and attracting users for tBTC using bonuses received from liquidity mining.”

With @bakarapara#3452 and @paydaSandros we continued gathering useful information and guides about KEEP Network and tBTC in one website for Russian community -


Still running Keep Random Beacon node with address: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7. ECDSA node is also up and running since 13.06.20 with the addresses: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7

4 of my translations into Russian at website were approved (my GitHub account is @GenrX):And 4 more articles for website are in progress via Github pulls.
With @bakarapara and @paydaSandros we continued gathering useful information and guides about Keep network and tBTC in one website for Russian community -
I was trying hard to mint tBTC but never pass step 2 (fetching address…). Hope to achieve success sooner or later. 


Running Keep Random Beacon testnet nodes with address: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7 and and 0x5D906Ab7b3a0534168bBcad18e7A4e8aE9e6cD79
It is my first node ever because KEEP is very promising project in my opinion) 2 ECDSA nodes is also up and running since 13.06.20 with the addresses: 0xaee3eaf09a6161392ee39ff6b507eb6a007014b7 and 0xbab0F853E99B499c6B28831A05482161b49fDBf0.
Third ECDSA node is 0x87B113f1E63a4245c8F0aA80c13cF48E52dAd8A6, 4th ECDSA node is 0x3BD39693FFFf38cBBC4b9290D8211013172A7D98, 5th 4th ECDSA node is 0x95E94825F5833a546f8eE65CA9121B85c214ed00

Also I do translations into Russian at website (GitHub account @GenrX), eight articles translated and awaiting review. And I will definitly take part in stakedrop. With @bakarapara and @paydaSandros we had gathered useful information and guides about Keep network in one website for Russian community -
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources