playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 7
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
Another tBTC tornado cash project with continued development.
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Round 5
for the work on Tornado. Join #tbtc-tornado and help take this thing to mainnet in a big way!
Round 2
3rd prize winners
Introduce yourself
Hi, guys ! I have been following your project for a long time and I am glad that I can participate in the testnet and help you identify all the problem areas.


My previous work on creating a tornado bot is pro_btc I have been running my Beacon and ECDSA nodes.
I added my coins to the liquidity pool in the keep/eth pair on Uniswap -

Nowadays huge projects use big data technologies. They help huge number of systems to interact with each other, or provide additional protection of information using external libraries (e.g. additional data encryption during message/data publication). So Apache Kafka can do it due to the following features:
Scalability, High-Volume, Data Transformations, Fault Tolerance, Reliability, Durability, Performance, Zero Downtime, Extensibility and Replication. Kafka can provide the foundation for a simple framework for KEEP network experimentation.
While scaling transactions in a public setting presents one set of issues, within a private network or consortium, where real-world trust is already established, transaction scaling might be achieved via an implementation which takes advantage of Kafka concepts
I decided to share how you can use library - installing and configuring (using kafka and blockchain interecation).
I prepared an instruction and posted it on medium so that everyone can use it:


Hello guys. Below is my submission.

I have been running my Beacon and ECDSA nodes.

Forked tornado cash repo and support anonymous tBTC using with command line tool
Brief instructions for use can be found on the github.
This tool is developed using nodejs technology. This technology has great advantages for web tools:

§  Fast library due to React Virtual DOM implementation and various rendering optimizations
§  Excellent support for server-side rendering, making it a powerful platform for content-oriented applications
§  Uses JSX (jаvascript XML) - HTML-like syntax
§  Applications using nodejs can withstand high loads
§  other advantages…

Also the tool uses a distributed web service for building and testing software using GitHub as source code hosting - Travis CI.The process is reduced to the description of various parameters - see.travis.yml file at the root of the repository. This file describes in what language the project works, what versions of the language you need to use, describes the environment

Briefly about The tornado cache can be: Tornado improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between recipient and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. allows you to send Ethereum cryptocurrency 100% anonymously using groundbreaking, non-custodial technology based on strong cryptography!

Tornado improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between recipient and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. Whenever ETH is withdrawn by the new address, there is no way to link the withdrawal to the deposit, ensuring complete privacy. In this way, acts as a proxy to ensure that the transaction is 100% anonymous with zkSnarks proofs.


Hello everyone. Below is my submission PFK for September.

I have been running my Beacon and ECDSA nodes.

Forked tornado cash repo and support anonymous tBTC using with command line tool
Brief instructions for use can be found on the github.
This tool is developed using nodejs technology. This technology has great advantages for web tools:

§  Fast library due to React Virtual DOM implementation and various rendering optimizations
§  Excellent support for server-side rendering, making it a powerful platform for content-oriented applications
§  Uses JSX (jаvascript XML) - HTML-like syntax
§  Applications using nodejs can withstand high loads
§  other advantages…

Also the tool uses a distributed web service for building and testing software using GitHub as source code hosting - Travis CI.The process is reduced to the description of various parameters - see.travis.yml file at the root of the repository. This file describes in what language the project works, what versions of the language you need to use, describes the environment

Briefly about The tornado cache can be: Tornado improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between recipient and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. allows you to send Ethereum cryptocurrency 100% anonymously using groundbreaking, non-custodial technology based on strong cryptography!

Tornado improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between recipient and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. Whenever ETH is withdrawn by the new address, there is no way to link the withdrawal to the deposit, ensuring complete privacy. In this way, acts as a proxy to ensure that the transaction is 100% anonymous with zkSnarks proofs.
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources