playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Round 3
Community Awards
Introduce yourself
Hello everybody. I'm crypto enthusiast from Ukraine. My journey in the crypto began with mining in 2015, then ICO and now full-time in nodes. I have been with KEEP since jan 2018 - this is the date then I subscribed to the KEEP newsletter.

My contributions for december PFK:
I have updated and constantly maintained my beacon и ecdsa nodes.
I set up for them monitoring on Grafana+Prometheus, it was very interesting for me.
I also helped members of the KEEP community in chats and invited my friend Amigo#9567 to participate in PFK.
I have translated in Russian an article:минт-tbtc-на-платформе-coinlist-e740cccfcc7a
I have translated in Ukrainian an article:

My contributions for October PFK:

I have updated and constantly maintained my beacon и ecdsa nodes, which up and running since June. 710 ETH added for bond.
In October
I set up for them monitoring on Grafana+Prometheus, it was very interesting for me. I voted for tBTC integration on Curve
I also helped members of the KEEP community in chats and invited my friend Amigo #9567 to participate in PFK.
I have translated in Ukrainian an article:

I have updated and constantly maintained my beacon и ecdsa nodes with adress 0x881718443deAFf7CCff4E8e281C7B883793F51d7, which up and running since June. 710 ETH added for bond.
In September I set up for them monitoring on Grafana+Prometheus, it was very interesting for me. I voted for tBTC integration on Curve

I also helped members of the KEEP community in chats and invited my friend Amigo#9567 to participate in PFK.

I have translated in Ukrainian an article:

I have deployed and constantly maintained testnet node.
I have translated in Ukrainian an article:
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources