playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
@Andrei Tervero#9206
PFK Rewards
Round 4
@Andrei Tervero#9206
Long-tail awards
Round 3
@Andrei Tervero#9206
Community Awards
Round 2
@Andrei Tervero#9206
3rd prize winners
Introduce yourself
Hello everybody. I'm crypto enthusiast (and work in IT) from Russia. For 2 years now I have been following the news from the Keep team and I look forward to launching the network. Their ideas and developments will strengthen the Ethereum network and allow developers to invent new user cases.

1) I’ve translated in Russian 3 articles and posted it in my medium
and also for official russian medium of Keep Network
This articles have almost 300 views in July.

a) “Transparency at Keep” where Keep disclosure all information about its corporate structure, token metrics and staking requirements.

b) “What Viktor Bunin is Looking For in Month 3 of Playing for Keeps”, where Viktor Bunin explains what is good as contribution in third month. Additionally there were a lot of propositions for designers.

c) The third article is a web page Here Bison Trails describes Keep key conceptions, its first dApp tbtc, rewards in Keep as well as any related risks.

2) I participated in organisation of Zoom conference with Gregory#6997 for Russian newbies willing to know How to play Keeps. At the end of meeting in order to help people to join testnet challenge I donated to all 10 people attending this call 0.5 testnet BTC each.

3) The same day I posted in two channels #rukeep-ru and #ropsten-tbtc-challenge two different google-forms for incentivized giveaway of testnet BTC where I asked people which competitors they see for Keep in domain of private data storage. There were almost 30 replies and all participants got between 0.3-1 testnet BTC depending of the quality and deepness of response. Fun fact: Russian community was very motivated and gave the best replies.4) Participated in tbtc challenge, posted some issues on github. I explained more precisely my experience in the google form for this challenge.

5) Regularly helping people in Russian community channel on Discord

6) Running two nodes: Beacon and ECDSA
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources