playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 5
for supporting the Russian TG community and helping with frontend design!
Round 4
@L i z 's Design Bonus - Additional 5k KEEP
Round 3
Tier One
Round 2
3rd prize winners
Round 1
Beginning Staker Prize
Introduce yourself
Hey! im in crypto more than 3 years. waiting for keep project launch since i heard of it more than year ago. im happy there is oppurtunity for community members to participate in early stages of network launch!
Hello everyone! happy to share my September PfK submission.
1) I helped @corollari with ux/ui design and front end development for
website. Using this website users will swap tBTC to Lightning Network and vice versa. Also they can add funds to liquidity pools and earn fees on users swaps. A lot of screens and scenarios was developed during this month, you can check part of it at
All user experience adaptive and looks and works good both on desktop and mobile devices. Right now im working on designs to integrate entire swap/operate processes into token dashboard.
2) @KOTeggg developed mobile app based on my token dashboard design which i submitted recently
app is available for iOS and Android. Check it at
3) Still running and monitoring both Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes
4) Working on biggest website for russian speaking community
with @paydaSandros and @Genr3.
5) Supporting telegram chat for russian comminty
which we created with @Dude@novy and @Danil Ushakov

1) Still running and monitoring both Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes.
2) Working on our website for russian speaking community
with @paydaSandros and @Genr3. Added a LOT of new articles during last two weeks. Working on SEO optimisation and promoting this website in russian speaking groups  
3) Supporting telegram chat for russian comminty
which we created with @Dude@novy and @Danil Ushakov. It keeps growing day by day. Audience increased by almost 2.5x times for the past two weeks. There are more than 450 active users at the moment! Sharing our knowledge about project and helping people to start journey with Keep Network. Feel free to join and say HI! any time  
4) Prepared mobile app design for token dashboard. Will continue working on it. For now you can check it at

I started in May with running random beacon node.
My "How to Run Keep Network Random Beacon Node - Video Walkthrough", which is featured in #welcome-stakedrop channel, got more than 2k views and 500 likes on Youtube.  Suggested some UX improvements for Dashboard
We created telegram chat for russian speaking community
It has more than 200 members at the moment! Helping people to bring more nodes online, minting tBtc and sharing our knowledge about the project (together with @Dude,  @novy and @Danil Ushakov  ) Updated Extended Brand Kit with some new elements. Check it at
  Continously updating
together with @paydaSandros and @Genr3. Developed FAQ section, added a lot of latest information, preparing email newsletter etc. Promoting this website in russian speaking community. There is more than 100 daily visitors already.

Runned node and already staked some keeps, in addition i plan to help with translations (to russian) and spreading the word over community. cant wait next phase!
After that i started to make experiments with servers configuration and started two more nodes: Random Beacon node. I also used 2nd Random Beacon node as base for my "How to Run Keep Network Random Beacon Node - Video Walkthrough"
Which is featured in #welcome-stakedrop channel. it has more than 1740 views at the moment. Got a lot of private messages with help requests after that  Suggested some UX improvements for Dashboard
Trying to help newcomers setting up their nodes in Discord, will post some links in the Notepad. Also participated in Telegram group creation
for russian speaking community. Helping people to bring more nodes online and sharing our knowledge about the project (in assosiation with @Dude and  @novy ) Prepared Extended Brand Kit which also includes some mockups. Check it at
@Matt Luongo suggested to tag  @Michael Gluzman and @L i z when posting it  :)
Created a website
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources