playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 4
Tokens are locked for 1 year from the date of distribution.
Our top winners. Yep, you can stake KEEP from a Raspberry Pi... Kubernetes cluster?!
Introduce yourself
Hello friends! My name is Steven.

I'm currently running a Random Beacon and an ECDSA node using the setup outlined below at 0x209c6e73EA1981cF69F2B90b31925a3109bc0Ba1.
My PFK submission is called "Staking Keep on a Raspberry Pi cluster with Ansible, Kubernetes, GlusterFS and more":

The inspiration for this project comes from a deep desire to ensure that staking platforms in general (not just for the Keep network) don't become centralized with only a few major cloud providers. Enterprise server hardware isn't exactly cheap either, but reliable hardware doesn't need to be overly expensive. The Raspberry Pi has been around for a long time, and it is a reliable platform for many home projects. Adapting the hardware for a bare metal cluster can make it a small sturdy home server.

The vision is that anyone with a few hundred dollars in hardware and a penchant to learn a couple of DevOps concepts can stake privately, as opposed to in the cloud, while being more redundant and reliable than running a single machine.

Hopefully this will encourage more people to consider staking at home as a viable option, or even with a small pools of friends, while also keeping a modest budget. The crux of the project is a highly reusable Ansible script that allows anyone to spin up their own Raspberry Pi k3s cluster with redundant storage to run Keep staking nodes with high uptime.

Beyond this, I hope to continue to expand the project to include better monitoring, more performant storage options, and hybrid cloud automation. Enjoy the read and please let me know if you decide to try this out!

A brief list of features:
- End-to-end automation with Ansible
- Built-in pod eviction rules
- GlusterFS persistent storage
- MetalLB load balancing
- Netdata server monitoring
- Option to deploy geth locally

Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources