playing for KEEPS
Contributor Profile
PFK Rewards
Round 6
1000 KEEP
Round 5
Round 4
Tier Two (2k-5k KEEP)
Round 3
Community Awards
Introduce yourself
Hello people! My name is Igor. I'm from Russia! I am 32 years old.
I work as a system administrator and am interested in it technologies!

This month:
1) I've had my October reward as KEEP-ETHLP. Here are the transaction:
2) For my friend @KruGGoK, I made a souvenir statuette made of epoxy resin, with letters printed on a 3d printer.
3) Activity in the Russian telegram group All my past work and achievements can be viewed here:  

This is my fourth participation in the PFK, it's really cool to be a part of something big. 
Thank you to the judges and the team for appreciating my past work and it inspires new creative ideas. 
This month I made an award to reward the best work. My idea is that the best player PFK OCTOBER 2020 will have something to remember as a reward that can be put on the shelf or on the desktop. 
With your permission, @Matt Luongo, I am ready to send the award to the best player in the Russian community.  
If necessary I am ready to make an award with nominations )) I still continue to maintain the beacon and ecdsa node in a working state! ETH: 0xC419B9F260EBA3156E0194187129957695cf567C

All my past work and achievements can be viewed here:





1) I updated to the latest version of beacon and ecdsa node! 0xC419B9F260EBA3156E0194187129957695cf567C 
2) I am tBTC app testing – minted 8 tBTC Eth: 0xC419B9F260EBA3156E0194187129957695cf567C
3) I am a bonded 1010 eth,to maintain the network
4) I made a video using sea sand, light and a bit of humor. Do not take it seriously, but with humor. It is clear that we as a community here all believe in technology! The video has received 435 views 43% Russia 16% Korea 5% China5)Monitoring my Keep Beacon node on Grafana+Prometheus with the ability to view dаta: notification of the system status, numbers of connected peers, loading of the processor, memory and disk, as well as tracking network traffic. If you have questions from the community, write to the DM, and I will help you. I translated the article into Russian on for the Russian-speaking community KEEP NETWORK. I fixed some bugs that I found while creating Grafana monitoring.

Monitoring my Keep Beacon node on Grafana+Prometheus with the ability to view dаta: notification of the system status, numbers of connected peers, loading of the processor, memory and disk, as well as tracking network traffic. If you have questions from the community, write to the DM, and I will help you. Thank you for your active participation to my friend @KruGGoKI translated the article into Russian on for the Russian-speaking community KEEP NETWORK. I fixed some bugs that I found while creating Grafana monitoring. Link to the original article:

6) I launched a node on the VPS server. I decided to take a step forward to create my own nettop. First, I created a model for 3d printing and sent it to the printer. The seal is made of PLA plastic.
I collected everything, installed ubuntu 20.04 and launched the beacon node with eth address: 0xfD3f2d39E3754E167D73952d473eea10704474C2.
I also added a couple of creative details to make it look nice on the table! It's a pity I couldn't save the original video as the case itself was printed, it took 10+ hours and a huge video size. Only the cover and letters were printed for 5+ hours each.
I hope I managed to convey my idea to you. I did monitoring on Grafana. Desktop wallpaper used by the designer @morgan4140
I recommend watching the video in 4K This video received a positive response in the Design group.
I would call it a DIAMOND that stands on my desk and pleases the eye. This video has gained 200+ views in 2 days.

7)  Since Keep Network does not stand still and develops, we also step along with it. Remember our last video with fire that participated in the August PFK? By delving into the knowledge of chemistry, we were able to make a fire of a very unusual color. Meet Fire Ver 2.0! The work was done in collaboration with my friend @KruGGoK For maximum effect, it is recommended to watch the video in 4K The community was actively concerned about the forests. I can assure you that not a single tree was damaged during the shooting of this video and we used fire safety measures


I am glad that the video has gained 832 views since its publication. In PFK from August 15 to 31 I did Monitoring is started using the tool Dune Analytics
and Add 1001 ETH for Bonding from the address 0xC419B9F260EBA3156E0194187129957695cf567c


1) I started BEACON nodes and  Update contracts.
2) Managed to still raise the Keep ECDSA Node. 
3) To attract attention and increase the audience of the project, together with @KruGGoK, we recorded a spectacular video and posted it on our Youtube channel. The video has now received 760 views. According to Analytics, the top three countries in terms of views included Indonesia 35.5%, Turkey 18.4% and Russia 11.2%
Contribution: KEEP Tools
Contribution: KEEP Guides
Contribution: Community Resources