Node Backups Guide
Node Backups Guide using Rclone, Backablaze, crontab
If you’re running a mainnet node and you’re not backing up your data yet, remember you’re storing a key to a deposit. So you want to make sure that key is backed up incase of loss make sure you start doing it now, because you never want to lose any of your data, you can loose your bond!

Running either KEEP nodes (Random Beacon or ECDSA) requires a level of diligence and responsibility, which means backing up your data is CRITICAL. Specifically the persistence folder. If you're running the ECDSA node, you're not just storing data, you're storing 1/3 of a multi-sig key used to sign BTC transactions. If your system is not up/available/responsive during a request for BTC (redemption of tBTC), you WILL BE AT RISK for liquidation and lose the ETH staked to that bond. The Redemption Proof (SVP proof confirming the BTC transaction) needs to be submitted within 6 hours of redemption request, the liquidation process can be triggered if not submitted in this time frame. All active keeps are stored in current, while all closed keeps are stored in archiv

There are many ways to backup your data, none of it is particular to KEEP or tBTC, but this guide can be a starting point if you are unsure of where to begin.
While Rclone supports many different cloud providers (see their website here), we will be using  BackBlaze B2 for their free 10GB storage, much more than you'll need to backup the persistence folder.

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