The Keep Privacy Prize will be awarded as part of Gitcoin’s Protect Privacy Hackathon, of which Keep is a sponsor
Keep supporters can win up to 50,000 KEEP by participating in the Keep Privacy Prize challenge, part of Gitcoin’s Protect Privacy Hackathon which runs through June 29. As a sponsor of the hackathon, Keep is one of the teams organizing challenges that focus on development in key areas related to blockchain privacy.
Keep is a contributor to tBTC, which lets Bitcoin holders participate in Ethereum DeFi projects. Participants in the challenge can submit anything that uses Keep and/or tBTC, but we suggest projects that focus on one of the following:
- Randomness for privacy: build any dApp or integration using Keep’s random beacon, which prevents collusion in deposit federations. Keep’s random beacon allows for robust randomness in decentralized applications, tBTC being the first example.
- tBTC privacy hacks: build a dApp that would help protect BTC holders’ privacy when using TBTC, which is an ERC-20 token with a 1:1 BTC peg. Be creative — the sky’s the limit here!
- Hack a Zcash relay for tZEC: Bitcoin isn’t the only coin that can use tBTC’s bridge architecture. Join our friends and co-sponsors at ECC and work on bridging ZEC and ETH with a Zcash relay, based on Summa’s BTC relay and our recent Blake2 pre-compile EIP.
- Signature test vector library: Develop a set of test vectors that work across different Bitcoin-based chains. This is a challenge the team faced when working on tBTC, and the creation of a common test vector repository or library would help strengthen interoperability bridges like tBTC and tZEC.
In addition to the top prize for the winning submission, two runners-up will each receive 20,000 KEEP. And remember, while the four concepts above are things we’d love to see, the team will consider all submissions that meet participation requirements. See the Github issue for full challenge details.
How to participate
To be considered for prizes, all submissions must:
- Be open source
- Show both the GitHub & on-chain (Ropsten)
- Demos are strongly recommended
All entries must be submitted by Monday, June 29. The winners will be announced on July 2. The winner of the grand prize will also be immediately eligible to win up to 50,000 more KEEP in June’s Playing for Keeps award.
Additional resources are available here. And be sure to stay up-to-date on Keep and tBTC developments by joining the Discord channel.