Sky’s the Limit for the Top “Playing For Keeps” Projects
The Keep community went above and beyond over the last few months in creating valuable resources and tools to help anybody stake and earn KEEP.
We can only admire the community’s passion and skill that produced the first-rate projects in our Playing For Keeps program where judges such as Spencer Noon and James Prestwich rewarded the creators with KEEP tokens.
From node support to swaps to DeFi aggregation, the Keep community has focused on valuable technical and statistical aspects of tBTC, ensuring everyone is able to participate and remain up-to-speed on the network’s activity and growth.
The community projects ranged from network activity dashboards to staking tools to impressive integrations (and even a jaw-dropping publicity stunt for good measure).
We are thrilled to highlight here some of the most useful community projects and their creators. (A fuller list is selected at the foot of this article.)
Network and Staking Resources and Tools
- All The Keeps by pythonmetaclass#4871 tracks transactions, deposit state, and other network activities related to Keep and tBTC.

- Keep Scan by emerido#6619, KeepCold#4787 and EA#0741 displays details of live statistics on supply. “KeepScan has been a very cool development experience … nobody dictated the rules of work to us,” the team wrote to us.

- Keeps Stats from kferret#5310 provides a clean network dashboard:

- Keep Tools, also from kferret#5310 delivers the tools and guides for staking and earning KEEP.

- Node Setup Walkthrough from 8ouncy#1675.
- Community Dashboards and Analytics using Dune Analytics.
- Liquidation Tools like this liquidation listening bot by by krispy#3698 and this site for participating in liquidation auctions by daramir#1305.
Impressive Integrations

- TBTC added to zkSync — Chang#8199
- tBTC on Aztec — GitHub and Demo site — ken#1304
- DeFi Aggregator for KEEP — Github and Swap Site — Evandro Saturnino#9833

You can keep up with all the community activity on the community-curated YouTube channel (thanks to MoMoMo#1715) and at the Keepers Community Hub created by members Ducca#5707, Vitality#2788, F1shko#1340.
“We want to present the idea of the Keep project to the masses. And we are doing this now primarily by providing an exhaustive catalogue of resources and information about the project,” Vitality#2788 said.
It may be a bit of a cliche when companies declare that the community coming together around their project is awesome. Beyond the crucial technical support from the projects, community members also had some fun getting creative.
Watching a video of sky-divers linking up mid-air into a formation of the Keep logo is an all-time thrill. Artem#4718, said he wanted the free-fall footage to inspire the feeling of financial freedom enabled by tBTC. It puts a whole new spin on the idea that, when it comes to community support for Keep, well, the sky’s the limit.
There have been special Playing For Keep shout-outs too for the work from community designers. And Keep members are so into spreading the love, that there are even giveaways. Check out A Community Giveaway to receive a customized Keep finger ring from Vadim777#1721.
Check out our complete selection of top projects created by the community:
Kubernetes Deployment and Grafana Monitoring Tools
https://github.com/ajcrowe/keep-helm-chart, https://github.com/ajcrowe/keep-grafana-dashboard, https://medium.com/@alex.j.crowe/deploy-a-keep-node-to-kubernetes-and-monitor-with-prometheus-grafana-4ee5c7d9e9a4Node Setup Walkthrough
Several cicada-style community quests run internally through our Discord server.
Visualization of Playing for Keeps awards — https://playforkeeps.info/
Join the Keep Discord Server for more updates on Playing for Keeps.